Prime Minister Scott Morrison has just revealed that Australian organisations are being targeted by a major cyberattack. In his statement, he reiterated that this activity is not new, but it is increasing, reminding us that this is the world we live in.

Mr Morrison said the ongoing, “large-scale” hack was being executed by a “sophisticated, state-based cyber actor”.

“This activity is targeting Australian organisations across a range of sectors, including all levels of government, industry, political organisations, education, health, essential service providers and operators of other critical infrastructure,” Mr Morrison told reporters.

Mr Morrison said, so far, it did not appear there had been any “large-scale” breaches of people’s personal information but described the attack as “malicious”.

“This is why we are raising this matter today, to raise awareness of this important issue,” he said.

Morrison is encouraging organisations, particularly those in the health, critical infrastructure, and essential services to take expert advice and implement technical defences to thwart this malicious cyber activity.

As we have written about previously cyberattacks are happening to businesses every 10 minutes in Australia, so you need to protect and minimise the chance of it happening to your business.

It’s not just big business that is attacked by Cybercrime. It is happening to all different types and sizes of businesses in Australia. With the average cyber breach costing a targeted business almost $276,000, the fallout and financial cost of these attacks can be crippling.

Read the full article HERE

This attack is a reminder that it can happen to anyone at any time and the reason why it is important to be vigilant and aware of ways to minimise your chance of being attacked.

We invite you to learn how to minimise a cyberattack on your company by downloading this FREE guide.


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